Thursday, November 24, 2011


"A Clockwork Orange" is one of my favorite Stanley Kubrick movies. And Malcom McDowell's "Alex" is one of the great cinematic protagonists ever created. He makes you root for the villain. Not many roles do that successfully. So here's my tribute to Prisoner 6double5321.

Friday, November 11, 2011

All Hail the Moss

Did I inspire Olly Moss with my tribute to Japan: "In It's Shadow"? No! Very hell no! He inspired me. I'm a big fan of his art. And that piece was a shout out to Moss' style and of course Saul Bass (who Moss is inspired by). It was auctioned off for $200, 100% of the proceeds donated to the relief efforts in Japan.

So it wasn't a surprise to see that the first few seconds of this video of "Resistance 3" looked like my tribute art.

It wasn't a surprise at all because Moss designed the "Resistance 3" cover art. All hail the Moss.

Check out the full video below.

Resistance 3 - Follow Capelli from Spov Design + Moving Image on Vimeo.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is a fantastic comedian and he's coming to Honolulu. Sadly, I couldn't find anyone that wanted to go to his show. For those going, have fun!

Here's a detail of the piece:

One of my favorite jokes:

Friday, October 07, 2011


I'm in love with a girl from France.

Audrey Tautou is one of my favorite actresses. And "Amelie" made me fall for her.

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Losing a leader in innovation like Steve Jobs to something as horrible as cancer makes me appreciate the things he could have given the world. When something new comes out of Apple that changes up the scene, it'll be under his name, similar to how directors of suspense are compared to Albert Hitchcock. 

Here's to the man who helped define product design in the 2000's. A fitting portrait for a guy who loved typography.

I Am a Designer

Hello. My name is Joe. I am an artist and a designer. I don't bite much. Well, actually I do.